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Ayyye Getcho Lyfe...

It's been a GREAT two weeks of the fall semester and hopefully my LAST semester at the community college!!! WOOOT. If you didn't know already, my studies are focused on PSYCHOLOGY and only took me 5 years to figure that out. Definitely has me really considering the POWER of access and potential of EDUCATION. If we can understand that the main factor in leveling UP to the best of our abilities is access to different forms of skills and education, we can all FOLLOW the paths truly in line with our DESTINY. Thinking back to all the ancient civilizations of the world and knowing what they were able to accomplish so long ago only solidifies my IDEA that access to education is the driving FORCE behind progress and innovation of any kind. The ability to be great at what we're meant to be is INSIDE all of us. Ignorance only leads to stagnation and lack of UNDERSTANDING which ultimately leads to unhappiness and CONFUSION. We live in a world where we are told that we can accomplish any and EVERYTHING long as we put our minds to it. This is true but if we're BLOCKED at most opportunities to expand our intelligence; be it monetary or MENTALLY there is no way to attain such a reality. It is our duty to figure out what PATHS to flow with for a better chance at fulfilling our destinies no matter what is in the way. It may be a HARDER task for us with these hurdles but it is still POSSIBLE, still attainable. So, I leave you with this, if at any point there is a blockade in the way of the life you desire please find a way through it. XO


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