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Happy Almost A Month After JUNETEENTH!!!

At times it's necessary to think that failure is not an option. Many of us have no other choice than to succeed and not always for our own benefit. This mentality can have its advantages although it can be a pivotal stone on our path of failure. Anticipating success or being so eager to achieve it can be a very unhealthy glutenous mood. In the rise of a goal or a precious moment it's easy to be so focused on the end that we're not attentive to what's going on around us day by day. It's important to be humbled by the fact that nothing that's worth it is a clear start and finish endeavor. Life is one of those endeavors, freedom, financial stability, and anything else people have to fight for day after day in this world. The ups and downs of any struggle is worth its due recognition. It is more than likely there are extreme emotions attached to each of these moments and those feelings are important to move through and grow from. It can be dangerous being stuck in one moment of time in your mentality. Holding on to moments of immense pride or joy can be as dangerous as holding on the torment of guilt or shame. It is sooo important for us to maintain a balance within ourselves and around us. This in mind over the ups and downs will keep us steady on the path towards the goals we set and ensure success. Not everything worth achieving deserves this method of evaluation, but if it gets to be a tug of war between highs and lows, it can be useful to be mindful of the journey instead of the goal. So, I leave you with this, keep in mind that we are not our failures nor successes and let yourself be here to learn these lessons. XO


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