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CDC (((Community Divine in Confidence)))

Confidence is something that we can all foster within ourselves that even if stripped away, can be built back up given the right environment.I recently heard something very powerful in an interview of, the one and only , Megan Thee Stallion. She said something to the fact that someone who is filled with confidence has no need to tear others down to reach success. My heart could not help but listen to those words deeply. Her idea builds on the fact that together and with confidence we are strong yet divided we attack each other out of insecurity to reach selfish goals. During this pandemic and other catastrophic events that have transpired throughout 2020, the world has come to realize that we all need each other when times are this hard. Collectively we need to carry this day to day given any circumstance and given any individual. The bystander effect is real and many people will choose to follow the norm of neglect rather than do their part to facilitate change and justice in this society. With my own eyes I’ve analyzed people for a whole 25 years and my consensus is that we don’t have enough Megs in this world. Everyday we should be focused on individual growth and achievement but in the same way we have to honor teamwork and collective success. With this mindset, we can all reach peaks unimaginable on a solo journey. So I leave you with this, look internally to see where you can help yourself then look at those closest to you and see how you can help them win and gradually broaden your scope to be #TeamGaia. If enough of us practice this, gradually, we can all reach divinity. Peace and Love. XO


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